Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Interesting Web 2.0 Application

I have already written about different kinds of web 2.0 application.

Today, i found an other on: web 2.0 ... database. It has very nice an user-friendly interface. Also it provides a powerful interface to data (e.g. View). Import/Export to/from off-line formats is the Ad hoc useful feature.

It has about Access + Excel base functionality and provide a rich possibility to deploy and share database.

You are going to use web 2.0 database application or nor, anyway just i advice to take a look to it.


Anonymous said...

Так правильнее:
Today i found another one...
Зачем разрывать цепочку прилагательных артиклем?
It has very nice an user-friendly interface.

It has almost (not about!!)Access + Excel base functionality and provides a rich possibility to deploy and share database.

You are going to use web 2.0 database application or not, anyway I just advise (not advice!!) to take a look at it.

Alexander Petrov said...

thanks for апечатки и ашибки.

Писал поздно вечером, если бы отложил на утро то не запостить забыл бы.

а про Advise -спасибо, не знал ;-)